Graphics Kit (see below for Ultragrip application)

Step #1

Required Tools: 

Solution for degreasing, e.g. brake cleaner

Plastic squeegee

Heat Gun / hair dryer 

Stanley Knife & Scissors 

Blue roll or a lint-free cloth

The biggest The enemy of adhesive films is dirt and, above all, grease or oil Residues; the cold and dirty workshop in winter is not exactly that optimal place. Depending on your preference, the plastic parts can be assembled stick on the bike or separately. Our advise is to fit them to the bike so they are fixed in position and cannot move around whilst your fitting the graphics.


Step #2

Clean and degrease

The meticulous preparation is essential! The plastic parts – whether used or new – degrease thoroughly with the cleaner. Especially on new plastic parts as there is often a silicone residues. The surface appears light matt, you can start applying.

Tip: The work can and should be with clean hands. But the surface of our skin has a natural grease film and therefore cleaned surfaces should not to be touched with the fingers. It is therefore recommended proceed step by step and first degrease and stick only a part. Then degrease and paste the second part and so on.

Step #3

Apply the graphics

The basic principle is: from the middle stick outside! In the case of large parts, the backing film should be used to help you fit the graphics. First peel off in the middle a strip one or two centimeters narrow cut out and then the two halves of the backing film again glue it back onto the graphics.

Now the graphics on the plastic part align and ideally to the recesses for the mounting holes orientate. Do you have the correct position on these holes and the edges the middle strip is found, on which there is now no carrier foil more, firmly pressed and glued on. Now you can go from this middle starting, peel off the carrier film piece by piece and by hand or go with the squeegee and press firmly. For smaller parts, it is sufficient to first use only half of the Remove backing film (see pictures) and then also work from the center outwards and then the Remove the remaining carrier film and again from the center outwards to proceed. This should work without any problems on flat surfaces however, for example, including an air bubble, simply reinsert the decor Loosen the piece and remove the air bubble. It is often tricky Bulges, corners or the edges. The hot air dryer comes here at the latest for use. Carefully warm up the decor with the hair dryer, because that’s how it will be Material a little softer and therefore easier to shape.

Attention! When using the hot air dryer be careful and don’t heat the graphics up to hot. If in doubt, prefer to start first try an old graphic kit or plastic, how much heat such a plastic can tolerate. But don’t worry, you get a feeling very quickly when the material becomes noticeably and visibly softer with the added heat. 


Step #4




Step #1

Compensate for the last bumps on the adhesive edges with the addition of heat and with a squeegee and press down firmly. Finally, use the hot-air dryer to warm up all the graphics again, especially on the curves, and press firmly so that the adhesive can addear  . Leave the fully applied bike in place for 24 hours and ideally at room temperature and touch it up the next day if necessary, warm it up with a hair dryer and press it on for the last time.


Step #2

Clean the surface you're applying to thoroughly using a brake cleaner, alcohol, solvent cleaner to remove any grease or dirt. Ultragrip will not stick if the surface has any type of grease or dirt. Once the surface is cleaning thoroughly, let the surface dry before applying to maximise the performance of the adhesive.

Step #3

Lastly, when the surface is clean and dry, choose where you would like to apply the ultragrip for your benefit. Once chosen, peel the backing off and apply to your chosen area loosely. Apply a good amount of heat to the Ultragrip in order for it to stick well. We recommend using a squeedgee to remove any bubbles. Once you are happy with the application, use a sharp blade to trim the excess.